A Severely Decayed Tooth May Need to Be Replaced with a Bridge

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Timely treatment of a cavity greatly improves your repair and restoration options. If a cavity is allowed to spread the decay can become so severe that Dr. Rusty M. Albrecht’s only option is to extract the tooth to prevent infection and other complications.

After your gums have completely healed, they might recommend replacing the function and appearance of the tooth with a bridge. A bridge is a replacement tooth that has been fused to crowns that are mounted on the two closest neighboring teeth. The bridge essentially replicates the enamel layer of all three teeth.

In order to anchor the bridge in place Dr. Rusty M. Albrecht needs to form abutments out of the two neighboring teeth. To do this, they uses a drill to remove the enamel layer of each tooth, leaving behind a post like structure containing the dentin, pulp and root of each tooth.

Dr. Rusty M. Albrecht will then make an impression of the abutments, the void and the corresponding teeth in your bite pattern. This will be sent to a dental lab to serve as a guide for crafting your custom bridge. A hard plastic temporary crown will be cemented over each abutment to protect it while you wait.

Dr. Rusty M. Albrecht will call you in for a brief second appointment when your bridge is ready. The temporary crowns will be removed and your new bridge will be cemented in place.

If you have a badly decayed tooth, you should contact Dr. Rusty M. Albrecht’s office in Mentor, Ohio at 440-358-0495 to understand your treatment and restoration options.